Our methodology portfolio

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Advanced imaging

There is more to a painting that what meets the eye. With multispectral/hyperspectral and multimodal imaging, such as ultraviolet fluorescence (UV), visible, infrared (IR) and X-rays images, to name the most common, we collect new and essential information to help in the conservation, assessment and authentication of artworks.

Multilayer Method®

Professional Reflected Ultraviolet & Ultraviolet Flourescent

Infrared Reflectography

Multispectral / Hyperspectral UV-VIS-IR Reflectance Imaging

XRF Scanning

X-Ray Imaging (Digital or Analog)

Macro-Micro (Multispectral) Imaging


Analytical techniques

Very small fragments, taken by expert hands, after careful evaluation, can reveal essential elements to understand the technique and the materials used. Highly advanced solutions with optical and electronic microscopes and techniques such as Raman, FTIR, XRD are available.

Optical Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscopy


Raman Spectroscopy



C14 Dating


ED-XRF Spectroscopy

Micro Raman Spectroscopy

Laserinduced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)



These techniques are used to document and analyse the external and internal structure of objects of any size. In this way, very important details can be observed, and measured, without manipulating the artwork.

Laser Scan Modelling

Computed Tomography

Ultrasound Analyses

Georadar Testing


3D Modelling

Data processing and modelling

Each work of art is unique. A comparative study and years of experience are needed to interpret the data collected correctly. We process the data with methods we have developed in years and provide comprehensive reports.

The complementary information provided by the various techniques can be exploited to identify the different materials, detecting restorations, classification or for virtual restoration, virtual cleaning and so on. The various diagnostic services that we offer are based on different physical principles and capture different and often complementary information, that often can to be joined together to draw more informative results.

These analyses are meant to automatically and meaningfully combine different diagnostics modalities and boost their possibilities for material detection, classification, change detection, and unmixing. We use custom algorithms, similar to the ones common in e.g. remote sensing application. E.g. we can jointly process the multispectral data acquired in the visible, IR and Uv fluorescence modes to locate and identify the different materials on the painting.

Art-Test has been developing these methods in collaboration with scientist from major institutions like Università della Sapienza of Rome, University of Florence, Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Rome and Opificio delle Pietre Dure of Florence and CNR-INO Institute of Optics of the Italian National Council of Research.

Advanced Data Processing and Modelling